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How to protect your cat from fleas and ticks

Two of the most frequent problems that affect pets and pet owners are flea and tick infestations.

Why are cat flea and tick prevention so crucial?

Both fleas and ticks must bite their hosts in order to draw blood for nourishment in order to survive. Flea saliva can cause serious allergies, dermatitis, anemia, itching, and infection, despite the fact that the bite itself is small. Additionally, infections, abscesses, paralysis, and even death can result from tick bites.

In addition to causing allergic reactions, fleas and ticks can also cause cats to get a number of illnesses, such as:
  • Lyme disease

  • Tapeworms

  • Babesiosis

  • Anaplasmosis

  • Bartonellosis

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Although cats are less likely to get diseases carried by ticks than dogs, illness is always a possibility. Ticks can occasionally spread illnesses to cats that can infect people (e.g., zoonotic diseases).

Preventing infestation in the first place is the greatest approach to avoiding flea and tick allergies as well as lowering the risk of disease transmission. Fortunately, there are many products available to help keep your pet parasite-free.

What Do Cats Need to Avoid Flea and Tick Infestations?

Pesticides, repellents, and growth inhibitors are just a few of the products that are available for preventing parasites. These organisms fight off pests at various stages of their lives.

Combination products, however, combine multiple ingredients to kill different stages of parasites. These typically provide coverage for both fleas and ticks, but they may also provide additional protection against heartworm, mites, or intestinal parasites. The spectrum of parasite control depends on the specific product and active ingredients.

However, combination products contain several substances to kill various stages of parasites. These primarily offer protection against ticks and fleas, but they might also offer extra defense against heartworm, mites, or intestinal parasites. The exact product and active components determine the range of parasite control.

It is always advised to go over any medications, dietary supplements, and preventatives with your veterinarian before beginning to give your cat any preventatives, especially if your pet has any health issues.

When should cats be given flea and tick prevention?

During the warmer months, it is vital to protect our pets from fleas and ticks because they may survive and grow in mild to moderate climates. This could suggest that in the southern and western states, prevention is always necessary.

Fleas and ticks can begin an infestation in your home and on your pet during these warm times. Fleas can continue to reproduce inside your climate-controlled home, where they can live in the carpets, floorboards, and any other area where your pet stays. Ticks may even crawl from your pet and onto the occupants of the home if your pet isn't utilizing a flea and tick preventive.

Skin & Coat Drops
We've developed four different skin and coat drop variants to provide parasite prevention (3x dog, 1x cat). Dimethicone can spread fast and uniformly throughout the coat when applied in a line. 1 Pipette can be used for up to 8-10 days. When parasites come into touch with Dimethicone, they become immobilized and fall off the coat or can easily be brushed off. From the age of 12 weeks, this product is suitable for cats and dogs. Do not use during pregnancy or lactation.


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