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How to support your dog's microbiome and gut healt

Dog gut health is probably the last thing on your mind until your dog is having digestive problems. Even if your dog is healthy, its gut microbiome may require some support.

Their gut microbiome has a significant impact on their overall health. Although diet is important for gut health, the environment and genetics also play a role. One way to support your dog's gut microbiome is through diet.

grain free prairie dog food

What is a Dog Microbiome?

A microbiome is a group of microscopic organisms that share our living spaces (and our bodies). Your dog's skin and mouth both have their own microbiomes. However, the gut microbiome has the greatest impact on your dog's general health. Bacteria, bacteriophages, fungi, viruses, and protozoa are among the species that live in the microbiome of your dog's digestive tract.

dog's microbiome

These microorganisms aid in the digestion of food, as well as combating dangerous infections within the body, impacting inflammation, and even playing a part in the gastrointestinal tract and brain connection. It is important for a dog's health to maintain a rich and balanced population of gut bacteria. Do you know why? The digestive system contributes to 70% of a dog's immune system.

Flatulence, gastrointestinal problems, allergies, auto-immune conditions, obesity, chronic enteropathies, cognitive deficits, and more can all be caused by an imbalance of gut bacteria (dysbiosis).

How Can I Support My Dog's Gut Health?

Medication, environment, and genetics all play a role in a dog's microbiome's health and diversity. Some diseases can potentially create or contribute to microbiome imbalances in dogs. That is why it is essential to select the best dog food for gut health depending on your dog's specific requirements.

You might wish to choose a food that has a lot of prebiotics and/or probiotics that are both safe and effective.

dog food

Prebiotics Food Sources

Prebiotics are plant fibers that help a dog's digestive system work better by stimulating beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Dogs can eat the following prebiotic foods:

  • Apples

  • Bananas

  • Flaxseed

  • Green vegetables

  • Raw oats

  • Pumpkin


Probiotics Food Sources

Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast that help with digestion in dogs. Probiotics have the potential to help the body's production of numerous vitamins and short-chain fatty acids, as well as limit the growth of dangerous bacteria in the gut. Probiotics also support the maintenance of gut health in dogs by helping to keep the balance of "good" and "bad" bacteria (microflora) in their gut to keep it healthy and functioning.


Before using any human probiotic foods or supplements, consult your veterinarian because they aren't always safe or helpful for dogs. Your veterinarian can guide you on the finest food and supplements to meet your dog's specific requirements.

For more information: CLICK HERE


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